About Me

Hi! I’m Denise, a holistic nurse RN and Health Coach, wife, and mama of three beautiful adult children. I have a passion for helping women in midlife, who are suddenly feeling stuck with their health and their changing bodies. The things they used to do no longer work. They are dealing with taking care of their adult children, grandbabies and their aging parents. Stress is plentiful. And they wonder when they are ever going to have time to start taking care of themselves.

My Plexus health journey was born from a chronic autoimmune condition called ulcerative colitis. I was nutrient depleted, dependent on knowing where the bathroom was at all times, weak, fatigued, and feeling moody and depressed. I had trouble finding joy on a daily basis. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be feeling this way at my age. When a friend reached out about these plant-based supplements, I had tried everything. I saw how good she was feeling and I decided to give it a try. 5 1/2 years later, I’m healed from those symptoms, I have never looked back! Friends, there is so much possibility in tapping into the root cause of your symptoms and healing your body from the inside out. I am living proof.

I’m on a mission to help as many women as I can, feel beautiful in their bodies, have courage, stretch, learn, and grow, and earn an income, so that they can begin to feel the freedom and the joy that comes from helping others. Each month I take on three new business partners, and we learn together the power of sharing content, educating, and growing teams that are after sustainable, long-term health and wealth. Won’t you join us?

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